Some of you might of heard of TidyMoms' blog.. if not, its amazing. So much fun and creative! She had posted a blog about a week ago for this Owl SMores Treat. It originally came from Living Locurto site, but I fell in love with it. I'm secretly falling in love with owls. (I guess its not a secret anymore (: ) So I told myself I had to make these. But I changed it a bit. I was craving rice crispy treats and as I was walking the aisle of the commissary I came across a box of Coco Pebbles. Remember those? I haven't had those since I was a kid! I was like thats PERFECT!!!

This is what you need
- a box of Coco Pebbles
- 2 bags of marshmallows - (miniature and large)
- 1/4 cup of butter/margarine - (a little more so you can spread it on the pan)
- chocolate chips
- candy corn
- yellow round candy- I got chewy sprees (in the original post they used yellow melts..I couldn't find them)
- some type of food-safe (edible) adhesive (I used Wilton Sparkle Gel, its what I had in the cupboard)
First step is pretty easy, make Rice Crispy Treats. (most know, if not its always on the side of the box) Melt the 1/4 cup of butter/margarine until its fully melted (about 30 secs in the microwave) Pour the entire bag of miniature marshmallows and coat with the butter in a large mixing bowl. Microwave the butter/marshmallow mix again until they are completely melted (about 30 secs at a time)
Once the mixture is melted slowly add the crispy until its all mixed well. You want to use a pan that is non stick or just spread a bit of butter all around (like I did) So when the rice crispy treat is ready, it doesn't stick to the pan and you have a complete mess. I let the rice crispy treats sit for about an hour+ so they were firm and easy to handle and I cut them into 'owl-shaped' treats (squares).

Then I cut the large marshmallows in half and this was the hard part, with the Smores, you could just put the marshmallow and yellow melts on the graham cracker and put in the microwave for about 10 secs to melt, but with the crispy treat, you really can do that... So what I did was put a little butter on the plate and put the marshmallow on there and nuked it for about 10 seconds and then very carefully with a flat utensil moved the marshmallows to the top of the crispy treat.

After putting the first marshmallow down, I then added the candy corn in the appropriate place and then added the second marshmallow. then I added the yellow spree and with the gel I added a little bit to the bottom of the chocolate chip and pressed that onto the spree which the spree was pressed into the marshmallow.

To cute Kell.... what a great Betty Crocker u r..